
WS1504 online automatic water quality monitor for total phosphorus content

Product overview
The potassium persulfate oxidation-ammonium molybdate spectrophotometry is adopted for WS1504 online automatic water quality monitor for total phosphorus content. Under neutral conditions, potassium persulfate is used to digest the water sample to be tested, and all the phosphorus contained is oxidized to form orthophosphate. In an acidic medium, orthophosphate reacts with ammonium molybdate to generate phosphomolybdenum heteropolyacid in the presence of antimony salt, which is immediately reduced by ascorbic acid to form a blue complex. This substance has a maximum absorption at 700nm. According to the Lambert-Beer law, the total phosphorus content in the water sample is measured through the photoelectric colorimetric method.
Performance characteristics
GB 11893-89 Water Quality - Determination of Total Phosphorus - Ammonium Molybdate Spectrophotometric Method is adopted.
The unique three-stage precision photoelectric metering device is used to realize fast and accurate reagent extraction and greatly reduce the impact of peristaltic pump tube aging;
the precise temperature compensation algorithm and ambient light elimination measures can keep the accuracy consistently regardless of in spring, summer, autumn and winter;
highly reliable reagent selection valve and digestion bottle assembly has a low failure rate and much lower maintenance workload;
the functions of complete digestion pressure testing protection, temperature protection and liquid leakage alarm can guarantee safe operation of the equipment.
Industry application
Sewage treatment plant, corporate sewage outlet
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