
CEMS 1800/1820 flue gas emission monitoring system

Product overview
The CEMS 1800 system is a flue gas online monitoring system for a fixed pollution source, on which our company integrates Advance Optima AO2000 series AO2020 gas analyzers of ABB Group. The functional design, structure, performance, installation and testing of the system are in line with the technical requirements of relevant national environmental protection standards and technical specifications. CEMS 1800 system has the SO2 certification range of 70mg/m3 and the NOX certification range of 100mg/m3, which are currently the lowest certification ranges at home. The CEMS 1820 system is a flue gas online monitoring system for a fixed pollution source, on which our company integrates LE3000 series EL3020 gas analyzers of ABB Group. The functional design, structure, performance, installation and testing of the system are in line with the technical requirements of relevant national environmental protection standards and technical specifications.
Performance characteristics
The NDIR continuous industrial photometer can selectively measure the concentrations of up to four sample components. The characteristics of the analyzer is the use of an inflatable phosgene detector. The gas filled in the detector is the same as the one to be measured. Compared with other gas components in the sample, the detector has the best sensitivity and higher selectivity. The analyzer equipped with a thermostat can also achieve the smallest range. The gas-filled calibration cell is used to replace the expensive standard gas cylinder, so that oxygen measurement can be performed on the same instrument. For corrosive and toxic processes or the processes involving combustible gases, the window-purgeable special safety measuring cells can be used, and the internal monitoring mechanism is adopted during the purging process.
Industry application
Steel plant, waste incineration industry, etc.
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