
Smart environment

Fugitive emission regulation solution

Program overview
The fugitive emission regulation solution will, through the real-time monitoring of fugitive emission in plants/parks, gather all kinds of data to the regulation platform, effectively grasping and scientifically analyzing the data of fugitive emission distribution, concentration and changing patterns, etc., and carrying out intelligent and scientific regulation and management based on the analysis results, thus realizing the collaborative control process of pollutant source supervision and real-time inspection of control effect, providing technical support for improving the overall management efficiency and reducing the control difficulty of the management in such parks and plants, and achieving the transformation of fugitive emission to organized management.
Scheme composition
Through the real-time monitoring of the regulatory platform, and combined with the setting of air quality micro-stations at the main nodes, as well as video surveillance and other means, the real-time dynamic monitoring approaches will achieve real-time monitoring and management of dust producing points, process sections, road vehicles and other fugitive emission pollution in parks or plants, and can provide real-time feedback on the effectiveness of regulatory measures and other information so as to achieve the purpose of organized management and control of fugitive emission.
Scheme features

Full-process emission monitoring: comprehensive monitoring of all types of fugitive emission pollution sources in the region, and accurate control of the pollution process, achieving emission reduction at the sources.

Intelligent management and control: relying on the platform's real-time data and dynamic video supervision, and combined with big data analysis, data analysis and computing model, as well as the trend analysis and traceability analysis of fugitive emissions, achieving early warning and prediction of fugitive emissions.

Industry application
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8613339102201 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=8613586823203 镇坪县| 铁岭市| 上杭县| 资中县| 泊头市| 沅陵县| 库伦旗| 台南市| 定兴县| 乌审旗| 巩留县| 达日县| 松原市| 嘉鱼县| 和顺县| 长武县| 泸溪县| 绥滨县| 南华县| 浙江省| 澎湖县| 淮滨县| 红桥区| 察哈| 莱州市| 礼泉县| 广水市| 彭水| 沙雅县| 张北县| 筠连县| 墨玉县| 凉山| 鹤山市| 定安县| 汶上县| 北安市| 福州市| 兴海县| 台中市| 伊金霍洛旗|