
Smart environment

Water quality monitoring solution for lakes and reservoirs

Program overview
The online monitoring system for lakes and reservoirs is used for real-time monitoring of lakes, reservoirs and other water quality changes. The system integrates advanced technologies such as environmental monitoring, integration and early warning, using integrated and coordinated operation, so as to strengthen the regulation ability towards prevention of water quality pollution and abnormal accidents and pollution discharge. Furthermore, through the construction of the lake and reservoir water quality information networks, this solution can analyze the dynamic trends of water quality in the region, effectively strengthen regional management, provide a scientific basis for the study of pollution information and the regulation of lake and reservoir water pollution, and provide scientific and effective technical support for water environment management and decision-making.
Scheme composition
The online monitoring system for lakes and reservoirs is a complex composed of automatic online monitoring instruments, electrical automation systems, industrial control, construction engineering, etc. It is a comprehensive online automatic monitoring system having online automatic analytical instruments as the core, and using modern sensor technology, automatic measurement technology, automatic control technology, computer application technology and related special analysis software and communication network.
Scheme features
Its design is advanced scientifically;
The system is safe, environmentally friendly, stable and reliable;
Reagent consumption is less and operating cost is low;
The application range is wide and the degree of commercialization is high;
With modular design, the system has a high degree of integration;
National standard methods employed, with high accuracy and stability of data
Full range of monitoring parameters (five conventional parameters, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, permanganate index), with factors expandable on demand
Industry application
Reservoir Miniature Station at Longde County, Guyuan, Ningxia
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